When you get the casting call to be in a superhero movie, how disappointing must it feel to be called up by DC and not Marvel.
With that said Jason Momoa and Amber Heard have found themselves in the position of holding up the DC Extended Universe’s sixth movie, and the third to feature Aquaman. Aquaman is caught between worlds, as the surface continues to drop microplastics, straws and Onzos into the ocean, the underwater kingdom of Atlantis is ready to revolt and show landlubbers a thing or two. Can he take control of the kingdom that he’s the rightful king of?
Better known for his horror films, director James Wan has taken cues from adventure movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark to create a lighter tone, a welcome shift away from its predecessors.
Look out for Temuera Morrison and Nicole Kidman as Aquaman’s parents, proving that beautiful things can happen when Australia and New Zealand get along.