Kristin Harper, Director at Harper Consultancy, Talks Funding Dreams
What are the top three things on your bucket list?
Travel through Russia in style with a personal guide taking us to places that most travellers don’t get the opportunity to see.
Take my whole extended family, including brother, sister, cousins, parents, nieces, nephews, in-laws etc. to the Maldives to share a holiday together. We are all getting older and would be a great opportunity to connect.
Breaking a world record (not to sure which one yet…)
How do you stay motivated?
Putting a focus on my happiness and removing anything from life that doesn’t serve me. My son Bodhi, who just turned 2 and has been an absolute blessing. I’m always working towards being the best version of me for him and being a great father.
If you didn’t need money, what would you do?
Work with several charitable organisations here and around the world to have a positive impact with youth. The other half of the time, I would travel the world like a baller!
What is the secret to success?
Success will have different meanings depending on who you talk with. However for me, it’s about striving to be better every day and constantly challenging myself to grow in whatever I’m doing. Plus, actually just being a bloody good person and bring some positivity to other people’s lives.
What is your advice for people to fund their dream?
Dream, believe, visualise, plan and get around people that are doing what you want to do and learn from them. You would be amazed by how it can fast track your dreams by being around the right people.
What is the best bit of advice, or quote, that resonates with you?
Your vibe attracts your tribe (couldn’t think of anything more profound haha). Who you spend time with will have a big impact on your success.
What’s your favourite restaurant?
Madam Woo in Takapuna is a bit of a fave.
What is the secret of living a longer, more successful life?
Put your happiness first, be the best person you can, look after yourself, dream big, contribute and give it a go. We only have one life and you might as well make it the best.
Don’t let other people tell you can’t do something.
What makes you feel alive?
Doing shit that scares the hell out of me!