Switchel, your Natural Alternative to Energy Drinks
Drinks like kombucha or kvass have been around for years, well-known for their health-benefits.
Switchel – Grandad’s years-old natural energy drink – has once again joined the club too and has reminded us all how thirst-quenching, delicious and refreshing it really is. Also known as the ‘hay-makers punch’, switchel is a drink that’s essentially made from apple vinegar, ginger and honey. Founded in the 1600’s around the West Indies, this drink was most popular among (referencing the name) hay-makers. High in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, this drink is becoming very popular once again as a trendy alternative to caffeine-full soft-drinks. Its natural qualities really emphasize reboosting imbalances in the blood. Switchel offers your immune-system a breather with its high anti-inflammatory properties. A wide range of switchel can be bought around the country from all supermarkets.