The New Fandangled Diet Scheme and Why You Should Visit Queenstown
New Direction
Running from the 30th of June to the 5th of July, Queenstown will be home to major health geographers from around the world. The International Medical Geography Symposium started in 1985 in the UK and has made tracks around the world ever since. America, England, Canada and now the Land of the Long White Cloud. The symposium offers talks on hot topics, like environmental, urban and rural, global, and personal health from top health experts. Special events will look more closely at current issues effecting the world of medicine. Located at the Heritage Hotel, you can submit your interest on their website at:
Ornish Diet
We are always finding the latest and greatest diets to inform you all about. That’s why we are very excited about the Ornish Diet. Coming straight over from the US, this diet prioritises avoiding fat, refined carbs and animal protein. Studies have shown that it reverses heart disease, type two diabetes and high blood pressure. Foods included in this diet are lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and beans. The diet also emphasises the importance of half an hour worth of exercise a day.
World Hepatitis Day
Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver tissue, can come in many forms. It’s estimated that 1.4 million people worldwide every year die from it. Ranging between five main types – A, B, C, D and E – symptoms can range from nausea, a discoloration of the skin, tiredness, dark urine, jaundice and muscle pain. Some cases even result in death. To breakdown the different sorts for you, Hepatitis A and E are both short-term diseases, whereas B, C and D may become long lasting and chronic.
Another startling fact that cuts closer to home: 150,000 New Zealanders are affected by Hepatitis B and C, without even knowing. On the 28th of July, World Hepatitis Day consists of fundraising events and talks that raise awareness for this contagious illness.
Check out the details of the day on their website: